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/ MacGames Sampler / PHT MacGames Bundle.iso / MacSource Folder / Samples from the CD / C and C++ / flight simulator ƒ

Archives (2)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
flight MacBinary 1 7KB 1990-01-04
flight.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 1 1KB 1989-11-09

Text (10)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
defines.h Text File 20 336b 1989-08-11
flight-simulator..doc Text File 24 759b 1990-01-31
flight.c C/C++ Source or Header 347 6KB 1989-11-09
fxGrid.c Text File 135 2KB 1989-11-09
mouseMove.c Text File 188 4KB 1989-11-08
offScrPort.c Text File 57 1KB 1988-12-22
perspect.h Text File 77 1KB 1988-12-22
plotptsFx.c Text File 291 8KB 1989-11-09
README Text File 18 634b 1989-11-09
scprintf.c Text File 181 3KB 1988-12-22